July 5, 2022
Arten and sustainability
Arten e sostenibilità

To discuss about sustainability within a business we must talk about sustainable development, which is a technologic and industrial progress that is compliant with the defence of the environment and a fair distribution of wealth.

We are aware that a company is a heritage for the present and future generations and their territory; this is the reason why we commit to take measures for the protection of the sustainable development.

We could split our efforts towards sustainability into four main areas:


    Almost 40% of the energy we consume comes from our photovoltaic system, which was installed in 2011 and has energy production capacity of 100KW. Soon, we will add a new plant with energy production capacity of 30KW.

    To us, the separate waste collection is a must. In the building, there are many collection points. Moreover, we have recently bought a compactor for dumpster, so we are now able to reduce the volume of the waste.

    We no longer use plastic to pack the goods, we now use only paper and cardboard. Thanks to the cardboard crusher HOPER SHREDDER 299 we recycle the scraps of the boxes, and we use them as packaging material.

    We developed a daily attitude made of small but significant acts in a sustainable perspective. Duplex printing, the recycle of used paper, the use of LED bulbs, the compostable coffee cups, the recycle of old filing cabinets instead of buying new ones are just some simple but not trivial examples.