January 26, 2024

In front of a wide range of alternatives, it is often difficult to find the right option. ARTEN knows this well and that’s the reason why we are always working to provide the client with a clear, immediate and effective purchase experience.

The last action taken to achieve this goal was to optimize our online catalogue. Thanks to the introduction of filters, the customer is supported in identifying a specific field of interest; in this way he can make the choice that best suits his needs.

Once entered the online catalogue the client is invited to choose, firstly, the type of product: accessory, manhole cover or manwaydoor. After making the first choice, he’s asked to select the type of application: on concrete, on stainless steel, on wood, on terracotta and/or on fiberglass. Then it will be possible to indicate the shape (round/oval/rectangular…), the type of opening (outwards or inwards), the required measures or diameter and other specific characteristics of the product, including pressure and vacuum.

The same goes for the accessories; the customer selects the type of accessory desired (e.g.: gaskets, handwheels, valves, etc…) and then the type of material.

We are glad to present you this tool, in our opinion very useful, which supports the proven commitment of our sales department to help the costumer in choosing the best product for his needs.